A white wine blend from a winemaker who owns no land and hews to no dogma. Kenny's goal- bottle something fresh with acid and some mineral and retain that sort of salty, briny character that the Tocai Friulano has, but tone it down with the fruit and aromatics of Riesling and Verdelho. Nose shows a light orange blossom, stone fruits, lime, and a light minerality. The palate has some texture with good acid, and flavors towards orange peel, lime zest, and just there minerality. D&M Tasting Notes Stainless steel until bottling in January 2018. Total production in 2017 was 1,059 cases. Vintage: 2018 Varietals: 30% Tocai Friulano from Mendocino, 36% Riesling from Arroyo Seco, and 23% Verdelho from Suisun Valley and 11% Sauvignon Blanc Farming: Organic